Rest and Recharge - Panama
August 2022
During the retreat to Panama, participants had the opportunity to experience the vibrant flavours (culinary and otherwise) of Panama City and the easy remote-lux island life of Bocas del Toro.
The participants ate delicious tropical fresh fruit, snorkelled mangroves, spotted sea turtles and dolphins, lounged on a catamaran, visited the pristine islands of Bastimentos National Park and enjoyed unparalleled sunsets. Participants practiced yoga poolside and palapa-style and slept soundly to the lull of tropical sounds. From the hum of the city to the soothing rolling of the tide, the participants explored all the sensory delights in the PanamaĀ retreat.
From the sounds of wildlife to the warm ocean water on your skin to the unparalleled sunsets it was an unforgettable experience.